Friday, December 19, 2014

Debug-it week 1 reflection

One debugging strategy that I used was to delete all the blocks they had and started over myself. I would also help someone else during this project by helping them understand how each block would work and understand that positioning the blocks are important to the scratch.

Debug-it 1.5 Solution

Debug-It 1.5 Solution

10 blocks Challenge

This project helped my learn scratch to teach myself how to use each of these 10 blocks. These 10 blocks restraint my impact on my ideas because it limited the blocks to only 10.

Try it Out

This "Try it Out" scratch was surprisingly a little bit difficult. I felt like it was easier to be led step-by-step through the activity during the first scratch activity. I would enjoy to have more structure after I learn more of the basic steps of the scratch. Also more freedom would come in handy when I feel completely comfortable with the whole system of scratch. Finally I feel most creative when I am able to pick my own scratch activity to create.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Tropical Island Website Design Link:
(I couldn't get the TinyURL website to work)

\\studfilesrvr-01.students.rpsdistrict.local\2015\Taylor.Murphy\Computer Applications\html\website\TropicalIslands.html